Belief Therapist
Unshackled Ministries - Colorado Springs, CO
What is Belief Therapy?
Belief Therapy is a form of Christian counseling that allows one who is struggling with questions, with God's truth, scripture, etc, to come and process through any and all topics. We all need someone we can trust to help highlight what is, in fact, scriptural truth. We form most of our belief systems from early childhood and this is how we see life, relationships, who we are, and so many more beliefs we have. These beliefs are formed by what we see, how we grow up, the examples that we have in our lifes, mainly close family members and friends. Unfortunately, we are often times misled, though not intentionally. We must learn to discern our beliefs with what God says. Many have formed opinions, but is is wise to question these beliefs. Some of these opinions and beliefs come from a place of trauma, past hurts, or trusting a person who may have been off track from the truth as well. I offer a comfortable, non-judgemental place where people can come with those questions. I will not force my beliefs upon anyone, but will look directly into what God says. Together we will discover the truth. Together we will be able to determine if there are some enemy lies in operation that we can rewire. Together we can help you to embrace the truth.
Can Belief Therapy Help You?
Throughout scripture, God is very clear that community is very important. This is for many reason. We will hold each other accountable, we can pick the other up when they fall, two are better than one, no doubt. Fellowship is a very important part of life. God wants us to know that we are not alone. The enemy wants us to believe we are alone so that we shut people out and isolate. We are stronger together and will grow and increase our faith.