Courts of Heaven Advocacy
Advocacy through the Courts of Heaven is a newer concept, yet is is found all throughout the bible. We know the battles we often fight are more spiritual than physical. The Courts of Heaven concept allows us to take our battles before the Just Judge, God. In scripture, if we confess and repent of our sins, as well as the sins of those in our bloodline, then the enemy will be stripped of his rights in our lives. The enemy has no rights to us unless we allow it. There are many ways we allow him in, often unknowingly. Advocating for others in the Courts of Heaven allows us to invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who are our true advocates, to assist us in going before God to first identify and then confess and repent of things that allow the enemy access to us and our bloodline. It is a powerful way to address things and quickly sever enemy rights and shut the door to the negative impact the enemy has in our lives, such as blocking our blessings, robbing us of our joy and enjoyment in life, and countless other ways he opresses us. We must learn to stand up and take back what is rightfully ours because of God's grace, mercy, and justice. Through my experience as an advocate, we can partner together to navigate what this will look like for you, as we all have very different stories. We can strip the enemy of rights and take back what he has robbed from you through the only true just justice system, the Courts of Heaven. God is a just God and He is for you, not against you.